Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Combining Geezer and Extreme Geezer Rides?

The following message is from Jerry Bell:

Please send out an invitation for the Camelback Geezers to meet and start with us at the traffic circle. Maybe we can renew the group as whole or meet together and roll out in two packs. Kb

The traffic circle in question is the one at Northern and Invergordon in Paradise Valley. Of course, the original intention of the Extreme Geezers group was to have a slower, more-relaxed ride without dropping people, but lately, most of the Geezers have moved over to the Extreme Geezers ride, and the pace has picked up. The result has been that many of the original Extreme Geezers get dropped from what was originally their ride. I don’t know how to maintain a separate, less-competitive ride for those who want it, but maybe some of you have some ideas. Click on the word COMMENTS below this blog entry to leave your suggestions and read those of others. Despite what the COMMENT page implies, you do not have to create a Google identity to leave your comment.


Craig Brandenburg said...

One of many things I like about the Geezer ride is its starting location at the Camelback Inn. There are already many other rides starting in the west, east, and north parts of the valley, and I'd hate to see Geezers' move further out -- even a few miles. Many of us ride to our ride, after all.

What is the issue? If it's low participation then perhaps we should put up an ad on social sites like Craigslist and Meetup describing what kind of riders we're looking for. Infuse the group with some new blood. The Geezers' and ABC's web presences aren't particularly inviting to newcomers. The group is well organized, what with this blog, and the group is a fun group to ride with, but one must crack through a tough shell to find it.

Anonymous said...

How about this? The Geezers, as many or as few as they are, can, if it is for their convenience, continue to meet at Camelback Inn. However, if you notice, the X geezers group has been steadily growing, and is a pretty big group now. How about 2 leaders? One for a fast group, and one for a slower group, announcing say 18-21 mph speed average, and if you want to go off the front, go ahead, or if someone from the fast group wants to try that and drop off and join the slower group along the way, okay, as they both follow the same route, and go to the same pit stop.

Anonymous said...

I vote for getting everyone back together and starting at Camelback Inn and maybe try the two group thing. After all isn’t that the original starting point?
Or maybe try starting the Extreme Geezers ride (at the traffic circle) a few minutes later and/or the Geezer Ride (at the Camelback Inn) a few minutes earlier and have everyone join up and leave the traffic circle at the same time.
Just thoughts…

Anonymous said...

My take on this is that the whole group(wheezers,geezers, extreme geezers)should meet at the same place. The camelback Inn is a great place to start the ride it has Parking, restrooms & starbucks. The group can split into 2 or 3 groups. Just like the Granada sunday ride. Consistency is important otherwise the ride will disappear....